One of the best ways of making sure that you get your daily dose of exercise is to join a gym for ladies near me. However, most women are deterred from even considering the prospect. There is no doubt that now more than ever, women feel comfortable enough to go to the gym. But stepping into the gym and witnessing a group of people lifting heavy and acting tough can be intimidating. Moreover, if you are a beginner, it can also be overwhelming.

The gender gap is definitely an added barrier for women. In fact, many have also reported feeling ‘gymtimidated.’ There are several reasons why a separate section for ladies in the gym would be beneficial. They are as follows:

Women-Specific Facilities

A separate section for women means that there is equipment available specifically for fulfilling the needs of women. Moreover, the classes are also aimed towards women, thus, keeping the female anatomy and physiology in mind. So, chances are that you will get to attend yoga, Zumba, aerobics sessions and engage in other such activities that will help you in moving your entire body and calming down your mind.


Perhaps, the best part about attending a women-only gym is the support you receive from fellow females. While in a co-ed gym you might be judged for not lifting heavy enough or simply, not doing enough, in a female-only gym, even the tiniest of your achievements are celebrated. In a women’s only space there is less space for judgment and more for encouragement.


This is not to imply that co-ed gyms are unsafe. But in general, working out amongst fellow females is safer. You can truly engage in your exercise without worrying about a wardrobe malfunction or getting unwanted stares. You can enjoy every part of the workout routine and also try out newer variations.

Customize as per Your Lifestyle

Irrespective of which stage of your life you are in, a female-only gym will be able to cater to your needs. Whether you are just starting to work out, whether you took a break from working out to look after your children, whether you are going through a pregnancy or menopause, you can find some class that suits your needs. Moreover, you can also freely discuss these with your female trainer and get a customized routine for yourself. You will also find that the women around you are more understanding of these changes in your life and empathy also helps in keeping you motivated for the gym.

Connecting with Like-minded People

Going to the gym regularly requires a particular mindset – you need to be consistent and disciplined and a tiny bit motivated. If you are attending the gym regularly, you are also likely to come across other women who attend the gym regularly. This means that you share the same mindset and perhaps even some values. Thus, the gym is a great place for networking with the right individuals.


If you are planning on starting your fitness journey, then it is time to search for ‘near gyms’ and get started as quickly as possible. Not only will you benefit from the workout itself but also from being in a supportive and empathetic environment.

About Dale Hamilton

Soccer lover, doer, DJ, Mad Men fan and recent OCAD grad. Making at the sweet spot between beauty and programing to answer design problems with honest solutions. Let's design a world that's thoughtful, considered and aesthetically pleasing.