Selecting a material handling equipment supplier can be a daunting task. You will be dependent on them for all your handling equipment and its maintenance. Hence, finding a reliable supplier is of utmost importance. It will also ensure that you receive the best quality of material handling equipment and also the safety of your employees. Given all of this is crucial for the smooth function of your business, taking into consideration certain factors would be helpful. The following factors will help you in selecting the supplier that fulfills all of your needs:


There is a reason that most businesses work extremely hard towards creating a grand reputation. The way the company is talked about by its customers, partners, and employees leaves a lasting impression. Find out if the supplier is trustable and whether you can actually form a partnership with them. Make sure that they deliver what they promise since you will be relying on them for some of the most important equipment your company needs.

Understanding Your Needs

This is an extremely important factor to consider when selecting your supplier. When you interact with them try to gauge whether they are actually interested in learning more about your company and its needs, or they are just treating you like another client. Whether their values and goals align with that of your business is another important factor that you need to consider.


It is important to note how accessible they really are. Do they schedule regular meetings and actually attend those or simply delegate it to a lower-level employee? Are they truly available when you need them? And how much effort are they putting into learning to know your business?

Given that a handling equipment supplier will essentially need to play the role of a business partner, it is important that they understand your business and its circumstances. Unless they are truly involved, it’s better to select someone else.

Additional Offers

Find out what kind of additional services the supplier offers. Will they be offering warranties, replacements, maintenance, finance solutions, and employee training? When a supplier offers additional services, it indicates that they are interested in building a long-term relationship with your company rather than just making some sales.


This is an obvious consideration, but lower costs shouldn’t be your top priority. Many times, a lower price often means that you will end up paying more in the longer run. Take into consideration the additional services being provided by them and their plan of action if equipment fails. If they are proactive in addressing these issues, then paying a little more for these services would be more sensible than paying less and suffering later.


Given that the demands of the business will change over time, also make sure that you are dealing with a company that adapts to your growth and has expertise in supplying the material. Select a supplier that has a global presence and years of experience such as

About Dale Hamilton

Soccer lover, doer, DJ, Mad Men fan and recent OCAD grad. Making at the sweet spot between beauty and programing to answer design problems with honest solutions. Let's design a world that's thoughtful, considered and aesthetically pleasing.